‘Will & Grace’ star Debra Messing calls out Ivanka Trump
At a recent GLAAD awards ceremony the fiery actress took her moment in the spotlight to air a few grievances at the current POTUS before turning her attention to the President’s daughter IVANKA TRUMP.
As a so called champion of women’s empowerment, Ivanka has been criticised of late for ‘blindly defending’ her father.
Never one to mince her words, MESSING used her comedy chops to lay a few things on the line in a way only she can;
There is someone I would like to make a direct appeal to this evening… Ivanka … girlfriend … what are you doing? C’mon, it’s me, Deb. Let’s talk for a second, one Jewish mother to another
It is not enough to simply say that women’s issues are important to you. It’s time to do something. Ivanka, you can change the lives of millions of women and children just by telling your dad stories about real people who are suffering. Don’t let him separate immigrant mothers from their American-born children. Don’t let him take health care away from women who need it. Don’t allow him to make trans kids like Gavin fight in court for their basic human dignity.
Hear. Hear.