The Northern Voice Collective (NVC) is a team of experienced professionals, dedicated to delivering quality voice, accent and performance training via 1-2-1 sessions, drop-in classes and workshops, based in the North of England.

NVC is made up of Laura Carroll, Nic Redman and Jude McSpadden

All are graduates of the prestigious vocal practitioner training course, Voice Studies, at Royal Central School of Speech and Drama and so bring a huge wealth of pedagogical experience as well as a being official voice geeks!

Between them, they bring many individual experiences and skills to the collective, allowing them to cover all the bases when it comes to voice, accent and text coaching.

"We can help you with a big audition, build vocal confidence before a big presentation or nail that Bolton native with a hint of the Kiwi accent."

Contact Info

Twitter: @northernvoiceco

We are here


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