“I’m an actor…but am I really?” GUEST BLOG

Beautiful GUEST BLOG from Fiyah King on coping with a ‘burning desire’ to act VS lack of opportunities in 3rd World Countries.
“I am an actor..but am I really?”

This is the question that runs through my mind ALL THE TIME. I want to say I’m an actor so bad but I’m really not, I’m an aspiring actor because being in plays isn’t my lifestyle (I’m a news reporter) heck, I have probably only been in two plays total in high school and primary school and a few church plays. I haven’t acted in any TV shows or movies or commercials… And I want to call myself an actor you ask??

Well truth is, I’ve had the passion, the erupting passion boiling inside me to be an actor ever since I was 7. But unluckily for me, I didn’t get the opportunity to surround myself with it like many people have. Why? Because I live in a 3rd world country. Here, acting is just a hobby amongst a few and you only see a couple plays around drama festival where each drama group gets ONE performance per year! We don’t have local TV shows or do movies. No casting agents or agencies, no directors or film makers, no producers, frankly, barely anything. This. Kills. Me. I want to act so bad but I can’t. With a one woman show there’s no competition, barely an audience and hardly any support. And this is not even my only problem, because say I move to a country where acting is cherished, the competition and struggles will be endless! It’s a tough business.

I will get rejection, self esteem shattered, miss opportunities because of my morals or faith, juggle a job and a dream…but despite all this, it’s just makes me want to fight for it more. ACTING IS BEAUTIFUL and SO worth it in the end if you LOVE it and really want it.

I will not give up on my dream despite the struggle and if this is your passion as well I won’t advise you to either. fiyahking@outlook.com

One thought on ““I’m an actor…but am I really?” GUEST BLOG

  • October 2, 2017 at 9:44 am

    My heart goes out to you, Fiyah.
    All I can say is don’t let anyone walk over you because of your morals & faith. If there is something you don’t want to do because you know it to be wrong, stand up tall and say, “No thank you”. You’ll be making a very important someone very proud of you.
    I wish you all the best! I am sorry this industry hasn’t reached the 3rd world. 🙁 It is so hard here in the West. Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.

    Your brother,


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