“If it’s a black movie, at best it’s a biopic because it makes the audience feel comfortable” VIOLA DAVIS on diversity

VIOLA DAVIS and TOM HANKS discuss lack of diversity, particularly in CINEMA. 

Observing that the problem doesn’t exist for TV in the same way, Hanks says:

Television is almost a bonanza when it comes to diversity. But the economics of a movie, a movie that has to play in China or overseas simply to make its money back…it ends up being one of those barriers

DAVIS, who says she’s typically type-cast as a ‘maid’ or a ‘crackhead’ adds

“Even in fabulous roles, they are still within the confines of being ‘strong,’ ‘a device,’ ‘funny,’….If it’s a black movie, at best it’s a biopic because it makes the audience feel comfortable that I am investing in this black person’s humanity, who I already know has made a mark in the world.”

The fight goes on. 

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